FireServiceRota has a great amount of reporting tools that can help supervisors or above access right users, to have an organized and wide perspective of how the system has been used during specific time periods.
Reporting on crewing variations
Schedule Amendment Report
Every deviation from the standard profile is logged. It is possible to filter and search for deviations by date, user, appliance and whether it caused an immediate crewing deficiency. An example of this is shown below:
Overview of Availability per User Report:
FireServiceRota also provides a tool to inspect the availability of individual crew members. It breaks down the availability into bands: business hours, daytime and evening/nights. This allows for a more nuanced view of a firefighter’s performance, contractual compliance and overall contribution to the service.
Appliance Availability Reporting
One of the most important reporting tools gives insight into operational crewing levels and its impact on individual appliances. Staffing levels are colour-coded and trend analysis is provided:
Reporting on User Statistic variations
Overview of Availability per User Report:
This report allows you to review the usage of all availability codes on users for specific periods, this will allow you to filter per user, date and code and have a quicker perspective on what type of work has been done by users:
Contract Fulfillment Report:
This report will show you the progress of users towards their contractual targets, you can easily have in a single view all users of a specific station.
Duty Hours Report:
On this view, you will be able to see how many hours on specific duties the users have within a period. This report allows you to review all the functions used on the station.
Duties Report:
This report is a closer look at the group rota, meaning you can review all duties done during a period. It shows you who has a duty at which time. This report allows you to review all the functions used on the station.
Working Time Directive Report:
The Working time directive report allows you to review users' compliance with the working time regulation. If you have any breaches they will show in different colours, depending on the breaches reached by the users.
Reporting on Payroll
Payroll Report:
The payroll report allows you to review a list of billable activities performed. This information can be exported to an external payroll to export system:
Communications Report:
FSR offers a variety of reports regarding communications within the system. We have:
- SMS Log - Overview of SMS sent and received by the system.
- Communications settings - Select channels to receive messages, e.g. SMS and push notifications if enabled for your service.
- Mobile Devices - Overview of all installed applications per user with a large variety of information.
- Pagers - You will be able to review all registered pagers of specific groups.
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